Football Manager2010 FM検証記録
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As manager of a football club, you are prone to attention from the media. Journalists will want to gather as much information as they can, and at times won’t care how they go about obtaining it. The best source for them to piece together their stories is Press Conferences. Before and after every match you play, as well as at other select times (including the signing of a key new player), you will be invited to attend a Press Conference and answer a number of questions about everythin pertaining to your stewardship of the club.

Each question will be presented to you with information on the source and journalist asking the question, with a number of responses available to you. There is also the option to make additional comments in your reply, but watch what you say...

Over the course of your career, you may build up relationships with journalists. Some may become more trusted, and some you might simply refuse to answer directly because of the spin placed on the resulting story. Equally, a more trusted writer might be a useful tool for you to get a point across to one of your players.

You can leave a Press Conference at any time through the ‘Wrap things up’ option, calling an end to questioning and moving on with your day. A more abrupt end to proceedings can happen should you ‘Storm out’ of the press room, although this also has consequences.

If, at times, you do not wish to attend the Press Conference, you can send your assistant manager to take care of it.
History Screen

Every player and non-player in the game has a ‘Press Conferences’ section in their History section, from which you can see what was said in any press conference and any particular reactions that stemmed from it.

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